Services Provided
FREE Pregnancy Testing & Option Education
Not all pregnancies are “part of the plan.” We walk alongside our clients to help sort through the many questions they may have regarding their situation and the emotions they are experiencing. We believe everyone deserves access to factual and medically proven information regarding their pregnancy; that’s why all our services are free. The test we offer is to determine pregnancy hormone levels sufficient to indicate pregnancy. A medical verification form is provided for positive tests.
Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound
Hope Pregnancy Center offers limited obstetrical ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy is located within the uterus, detect a heartbeat, and determine gestational age (or how many weeks pregnant you are).
Our ultrasound exams are free of charge to our clients and are completely confidential.
Performing an ultrasound exam during pregnancy is a very safe and painless procedure. The ultrasound uses no radiation exposure.
We do not use ultrasound to determine sex.
**Some restrictions apply.**
STD / STI Information & Testing
Hope Pregnancy offers factual and preventative information on sexually transmitted diseases and infections along with testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea. This service is free of charge. At this time, we are only testing female clients. For more information on testing criteria, please call the number below.